Making Ethical Changes

I can’t imagine anyone was able to watch Sir David Attenborough’s’ A Perfect Planet’ without being moved to tears. Especially the episode about humans, which highlighted the rapidly increasing & damaging impact our footprint is having on the Earths’ life support systems.

Lockdown has afforded me the time & space to re evaluate my business & look at where I can make positive changes. Going forward I will be making as many ethical choices as I can, making conscious decisions about every aspect of my small business.

My jewellery has always been about the relationship between Recycled glass & Silver. By making the change & introducing Eco Silver wherever possible, each piece will have been created in the most sustainable way.

Eco Silver is produced using a traceable & fully audited process, using scrap silver that has been melted down. A process that has been practiced by metal-smiths throughout the ages. By using recycled silver as opposed to silver that has been newly mined, my business will be playing a small part in reducing the harmful impact that mining can have on the environment, while still offering the same quality in my craft.

It will take time to get to a point where all of my silver is Eco as it will be a gradual process of replacement as I work through any materials I still have in my workshop. So if you are looking for a commission & it’s important to you that it is created using 100% recycled materials, please let me know & I will ensure that it is.


Trelissick Gallery